event & package
Ramada Gunsan Hotel 객실 패키지
2012년1월30일 ~ 2012년2월14일
2012년1월30일 ~ 2012년2월14일
Terms & Conditions for Members at Ramada Gunsan Hotel consists of the following provisions.
The Hotel can refuse to accept any guests in case of the following:
A guest must register the following items at the front desk upon the arrival at the Hotel.
Ramada Gunsan Hotel (hereafter known as “Company” or “Ramada Gunsan Hotel”) abides by privacy protection rules provided by ordinances regarding information communication service providers such as the Law regarding the Promotion of Information and Communication Network and Protection of Information, Privacy Protection Act, Protection of Communications Secrets Act and Telecommunications Business Act. Company has established a Privacy Policy in accordance to the relevant laws in order to protect rights and interests of our users. The Privacy Policy is applied to all services provided by the Company relating to Foreheat Hotel, and the contents of the Privacy Policy are as the following:
The Company collects personal information through the following methods:
Provision of content(s), provision of certain customized service(s), delivery of good(s) and/or bill(s), identification, purchase and payment and collection of payment
Provision of membership service, restriction on members those who have violated the Terms & Conditions of Ramada Gunsan Hotel, restriction on behaviors that cause normal operation of services, restriction on dishonest use of services, confirmation of intention to join, restriction on joining of a member or number of times of joining, confirmation of agreement of a legal guardian when collecting personal information of a child under the age of 14, identification of the legal guardian, preservation of record for dispute mediation, handling of customer inquiries such as adjustments of complaints, delivery of notifications and confirmation of intention to cancel a membership
Development of a new service and provision of a customized service, provision of a service and advertisement according to statistical characteristics, confirmation of effectiveness of a service, provision of even information and participation opportunities, provision of advertising information, learning of frequency of access and statistics on service use of members
The Company shall use the personal information of its members within the range specified under “2. Collection and Use of Personal Information,” and shall not extend the range or disclose the personal information of its members to a third party without a prior consent of users. However, the following cases are exceptions:
The Company consigns personal information processing as the following in order to improve its services, and has established a set of regulations on consignment of personal information according to the law in order to protect the personal information.
The consignment organization and the range of consignment are as the following:
Consignee | Range of Consignment | Retention and Use period of Personal Information |
Sanha IT | Management of the website and the system | Till a member cancels his/her membership, or till the consignment agreement is terminated |
The Company will immediately destroy the personal information collected once the personal information retention period expires or else the purpose of processing thereof has been achieved. However, the following information will be retained for the following reasons for a specified period of time:
If it is necessary to retain personal information collected in accordance with the law such as the Commercial Law and the Consumer Protection in the Electronic Commerce Transactions Act, the Company will retain the personal information collected during certain periods specified by the each law. In such cases, the Company shall use the retained personal information for the purpose of the retention only, and the retention periods are as the following:
The Company will immediately destroy personal information when the purpose of collection and use of personal information is achieved.
The Company uses cookies in order to provide its users with customized and personalized services including advertisements by learning forms of access and use of services of Ramada Gunsan Hotel and websites, popular search keywords, secured connection, news edit, scale of users and etc.
To prevent personal information from being lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged and ensure safety when handling the personal information of information principals, the Company takes the following technical/administrative measures:
Password of each member of Ramada Gunsan Hotel are encrypted before they are saved and managed. Only the member knows his/her password, and viewing/modification of personal information is available only to the person who knows the password.
The Company is providing its utmost effort to prevent leakage of and/or damage on personal information of its members by hacking, computer viruses and etc. The Company frequently makes back-ups on data in order to prevent damages on personal information. The Company prevents leakage of and damage on personal information by using the latest vaccine programs. The Company uses encryption communications and etc. to safely transmit personal information on the network. Moreover, the Company is operating an intrusion prevention system to restrict unauthorized external intrusion, and providing efforts to adapt all possible technological measures to obtain systematical security.
The Company strictly limits employees handing personal information to those who manage personal information. A separate password is issued to such employees, and the password is renewed regularly. The Company also emphasizes the importance of compliance with the Privacy Policy of Ramada Gunsan Hotel by providing regular education for employees with access to personal information.
Moreover, an exclusive internal organization for protection of personal information is operated to monitor compliance with the Privacy Policy of Ramada Gunsan Hotel, and if related problems are detected, the Company provides efforts to immediately take corrective measures. However, the Company will not be responsible for any damages occurred due to user’s negligence.
You may report all complaints related to personal information protection in using the Company’s service to the Chief Privacy Officer or department in charge. The Company will provide prompt and sufficient answers to your reports.
Chief Privacy Officer | Privacy Management Admistrator | ||
Name | Moon Sungho | Name | Ko Taewon |
Affiliation | Promotional marketing Team | Affiliation | Promotional marketing Team |
Phone Number | +82-2-555-0874 | Phone Number | - |
Title | Team Manager | Title | Manger |
twko@ramadasokcho.com | - |
In the event of the addition, deletion and modification of the contents of the current privacy policy, it will be notified through 'Notice' on our homepage at least 7 days prior to execution. However, in the event the changes in critical user rights(e.g. collection and utilization of personal information, providing personal information to any third parties, etc.), notice will be made at least 30 days prior to execution.
Ramada Gunsan Hotel은 영상정보처리기기 운영·관리 방침을 통해 Ramada Gunsan Hotel에서 처리하는 영상정보가 어떠한 용도와 방식으로 이용·관리되고 있는지 알려드립니다.
Ramada Gunsan Hotel은 개인정보보호법 제25조 제1항에 따라 다음과 같은 목적으로 정보처리기기를 설치·운영 합니다.
※ 주차대수 30대를 초과하는 규모의 경우 「주차장법 시행규칙」 제6조제1항을 근거로 설치·운영 가능
설치 대수 | 설치 취지 및 촬영 범위 |
1,651 대 | 건물로비, 주차장 입구, 사무실 등 |
귀하의 영상정보를 보호하고 개인영상정보와 관련한 불만을 처리하기 위하여 아래와 같이 개인영상정보 보호책임자를 두고 있습니다.
소속 | 이름 | 직위 | 연락처 | ||
관리책임자 | 정 | 관리팀 | 홍길동 | 팀장 | 02-1234-1234 |
부 | 총무담당 | 홍길동 | 매니저 | ||
접근권한자 | 서울 영업지원 | 각 안전관리 담당 | |||
Ramada Gunsan Hotel은 서비스 이행을 위하여 아래와 같이 영상정보처리기기 취급을 위탁하고 있으며 관계법령에 따라 위탁계약서에 개인정보가 안전하게 관리 될 수 있도록 필요한 사항을 규정하고 있습니다.
수탁자 | 위탁업무 |
㈜한국에스웨이 | CCTV운영 |
촬영시간 | 보관기간 | 보관장소 |
24시간 | 촬영일로부터 30일 이내 | 각 체인 CCTV관리부서 |
처리방법 : 개인영상정보의 목적외 이용, 제3자 제공, 파기, 열람 등 요구에 관한 사항을 기록관리하고, 보관기간 만료시 복원이 불가능한 방법으로 영구 삭제(출력물의 경우 파쇄 또는 소각)합니다.
귀하는 개인영상정보에 관하여 열람 또는 존재확인·삭제를 원하는 경우 언제든지 영상정보처리기기 운영자에게 요구하실 수 있습니다. 단, 귀하가 촬영된 개인영상정보 및 명백히 정보주체의 급박한 생명, 신체, 재산의 이익을 위하여 필요한 개인영상정보에 한정됩니다. Ramada Gunsan Hotel은 개인영상정보에 관하여 열람 또는 존재확인·삭제를 요구한 경우 지체없이 필요한 조치를 하겠습니다.
Ramada Gunsan Hotel이 처리하는 영상정보는 암호화 조치 등을 통하여 안전하게 관리되고 있습니다. 또한 Ramada Gunsan Hotel은 개인영상정보보호를 위한 관리적 대책으로서 개인정보에 대한 접근 권한을 차등부여하고 있고, 개인영상정보의 위·변조 방지를 위하여 개인영상정보의 생성 일시, 열람시 열람 목적·열람자·열람 일시 등을 기록하여 관리하고 있습니다. 이 외에도 개인영상정보의 안전한 물리적 보관을 위하여 잠금장치를 설치하고 있습니다.
이 영상정보처리기기 운영·관리방침은 2014년 9월 19일에 제정 되었으며 법령·정책 또는 보안기술의 변경에 따라 내용의 추가·삭제 및 수정이 있을 시에는 시행하기 최소 7일전에 Ramada Gunsan Hotel 홈페이지를 통해 변경사유 및 내용 등을 공지하도록 하겠습니다.
최초 공고일자 : 2015년 07월 01일